The best service

Our aim is not only to provide you with the right filtration system, but also to ensure that your system works perfectly and has a long service life. Our FILTRACARE services include maintenance, repair and modernization measures specially adapted to your system. Unscheduled and expensive downtimes for your filtration system can thus be avoided by preventive services.
In addition, our service ensures that your system meets all of the standards required and your employees are not exposed to harmful substances. Regular maintenance of filtration systems ensures a long service life. Modernization work and high-quality spare parts can also help to avoid having to make the unnecessary and expensive purchase of a new filtration system.
FILTRACARE service contracts are tailored individually to your systems and the requirements of your company and are carried out with the greatest care, in accordance with the high quality standards of FILTRACON®.

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3 different CARE models
- tailored to your needs:

the FILTRACON® silver CARE Model

This basic level offers you an annual inspection of your system with a detailed status report and service recommendations. The silver CARE badge shows that your system is professionally maintained. This CARE model can be taken out for a term of two years or more.

the FILTRACON® gold CARE Model

Opt for the gold CARE model and you will receive an inspection twice a year and also benefit from special conditions for spare parts. This applies to consumables such as filter cartridges or filter bags as well as membrane valves or rotary nozzles. Your system will be awarded the gold CARE badge to signal its quality. This agreement can be concluded for a term of two years or more.

the FILTRACON® platinum CARE Model

For those who prefer not to look after their air filter systems at all, we offer the platinum CARE model. With this model, you transfer full responsibility for your filter system to us. We check your system twice a year and take care of the procurement and storage of consumables*. All consumables are physically stored by us and are immediately ready for use when they are needed. As a platinum CARE partner, you receive the consumables at top conditions. You will receive a detailed status report after each inspection. Your system is crowned with the platinum CARE badge. The contract can be concluded for a term of three years or more.

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Old doesn’t have to be synonymous with bad. There are still many dust extraction systems for which it would be worth it to modernize the filter technology, the filtering components, or the filter control system. Contact us before you invest in a new dust extraction system. We will do a no-obligation assessment of the options available and might even discover unexpected potential.

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